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Terror kit personal terror protection-small/medium

What do you have for sale (write here): Terror kit personal terror protection-small/medium
We have put together extensive set of emergency preparedness guides to help you be prepared for specific types of disasters that may be prevalent in your area. Whether it be a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a hurricane, or man-made disaster such as a terrorist attack, let us help you be prepared with an emergency preparedness plan.
A terrorist attack is a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims.
Man-made agents (in gas or liquid form) which attacks the body’s nerves, blood, skin or lungs causing symptoms such as vomiting, blistering, loss of bodily control and in some cases death. A chemical attack can affect the contaminated area for several minutes or several days (depending on factors like the concentration of the agent, whether the attack is indoors or outdoors and the weather).
Harmful biological agents (such as a pathogenic microorganism or a neurotoxin) used as a weapon to cause death or disease usually on a large scale. Examples include a pathogenic attack which is capable of causing disease and neurotoxins which are an equally dangerous poisonous complex of protein that acts on the nervous system.
The atmospheric air pressure surrounding a detonation can cause a blast or a shockwave, which can move at alarming speeds. Looking directly at the blast can cause temporary blindness, retinal burning and permanent eye damage. The blast can also kill those in its path, and a fallout shelter will not necessarily protect you against the terrific force of a blast.
The effect of the blast combined with the pulse of the nuclear weapon can result in the ignition of combustible materials, so fire is a high risk particularly in areas very close to the detonation.
The initial radiation following the nuclear blast can prove particularly hazardous, especially to those in close proximity. This is the radiation that forms during the first minute following detonation. In addition to this, the electromagnetic radiation following the blast can damage or destroy electrical equipment, cables etc. Fallout is the often-radioactive particles stirred up by or resulting from a nuclear explosion and descending through the atmosphere. There are three main types of radiation, and these are:
1. Alpha - The outer layers of the skin normally stop alpha radiation from doing any external or internal damage. However, high quantities of ingestion or inhalation can result in internal damage.
2. Beta – Beta radiation can cause skin burns if contaminated particles make contact with the skin. This type of radiation can be quite penetrative.
3. Gamma - Gamma radiation is the most dangerous of the three, and can cause extensive internal and external damage, destroying organs, skin, bones and blood. In large doses gamma radiation can cause serious illness and death.
Different Types Of Nuclear Attacks:
* Enhanced Radiation Weapons
Related Terrorism Preparedness Topics:
These are the things you should do once you become aware that you need to protect yourself from a toxic gas chemical attack:
* If you're in a building and the attack occurs inside the building then head for the nearest exit.
* If you're in a building and the attack occurs outdoors, don't attempt to exit - just follow the rules below.
* If you’re outside and the attack is outside, immediately enter a house or building and follow the rules below.
* If there's no safe building nearby, try to determine the direction of the wind and move cross-wind. If you move down-wind you risk remaining exposed to the gas for a longer time. If you move up-wind you risk entering a more dense cloud of the gas. By moving cross-wind you have the greatest chance of getting out of the cloud quickly because the gas will move with the wind along a relatively narrow line.
* If you’re in your car stay inside and attempt to drive away from the cloud (again cross-wind if possible). Finally, avoid moving to low areas as the gas may become trapped there.
* Shut and lock all doors and windows. Turn off air-conditioners, heaters, ventilation systems, all electrical appliances, and close all water and gas taps. Seal ventilators with tape, and preferably do the same around the doors and windows. If possible, place damp towels at the bottom of doors.
* Tune in to a local radio station that is broadcasting official emergency information.
* Cooperate with official instructions and stay put until you’re given the all clear by an official authority (don't rely solely on media reports, unless they are delivered by appropriate authorities). Be prepared to evacuate if given the official order to do so.
The points above apply mainly to the event of a gas attack or an attack involving the rapid spread of a non-contagious biological agent like anthrax. In most circumstances, as we've already seen, the consequences of a biological attack will only begin to show up days or weeks after the attack itself.
In the event that you become aware of a biological attack having taken place, then you should follow these steps:
* Go indoors immediately. Try to seal off a safe room to shelter in.
* Try to minimize contact with other people.
* Do the same things you would do to prevent the spread of colds and flues: wash your hands often, avoid close proximity to an infected (or potentially infected) person, wash surfaces and clothing that an infected person may have touched and avoid touching your eyes. These simple hygiene practices will do wonders to decrease your chances of infection and are very effective at halting the spread of contagious diseases.
* Try to get information on how contagious the disease is, and how far it has spread. Listen to your radio and try contacting you local emergency coordinator's office Follow any advice you're given by the authorities and the medical profession.
* If your family members are in different places you will need to use your judgment on how to proceed. If they are in a safe environment in their workplace or school, then leave them there until the situation is normalized. If you have to go outside to pick up members of your family, and you don't have protective gear, then wear a damp cloth over your mouth and nose as a minimum first line of defense. Bear in mind, any member of your family could be infected and bring the disease home with them.
* Tune in to a local radio station that is broadcasting official emergency information. Avoid using the telephone. It should be used for emergency calls only.
* Be prepared to evacuate if given the official order to do so.
At this point, it depends largely on the nature and extent of the problem. In a worst case scenario, you may find yourself 'trapped' in your home for a considerable period of time.
Try your best to be prepared for this possibility.
* If you have a baby or a young infant, don't struggle to make him/her put on a gas mask. Strive instead, to get both yourself and the child to a safe place as quickly as possible. If possible, hold a wet t-shirt over his/her mouth and nose.
* You should discuss all the points on this page with your family, with your child's school, and with your work colleagues to ensure that no matter where you and your family are, you're all in a good position to protect yourselves in the event of any kind of attack.
* The National Institute for Chemical Studies has prepared a document on preparing an emergency.
* You should also visit your local hospital and find out how well prepared they are to cope with an emergency. A recent study along the east coast by the Journal of the American Public Health Association revealed that only 20% of hospitals had adequate emergency plans.
It is worth noting, that the chances of a crisis escalating to the point where you'll need to spend several months in a survival situation are very slim. However, a crisis that continues for several days or even weeks is possible. For that reason, it is worth making some preparations in advance. It will put your mind at ease and, if a worst case scenario were ever to develop, you'll greatly increase you and your family's chances of surviving.
The blast from a nuclear explosion can cause injury and death, and the nearer you are to the blast the higher the risk. You will need to shield yourself and your family from the force of the explosion as well as from the heat and radiation that is being emitted. There are a number of places that you can use to shelter in such as a basement, in the car or under furniture. If you are actually out and about, you should seek shelter in a ditch or behind a hill. It is important to keep the time that you are exposed to the dangers of a blast to a minimum, so you should look for appropriate shelter as quickly as possible.
It is important to have some sort of fallout shelter in mind as this is what will protect you against the hazards of contamination. You will need to find shelter that is as far as possible from the blast and also look for shelter that is upwind from the blast. You should ensure that the shelter that you have in mind also has food and water that is uncontaminated (such as bottled water and tins of food that will last for a while). You may need to stay away for a long period of time depending on the extent and severity of the contamination.
You will also need to find out where you can go – perhaps to a friend or relation or maybe to a communal shelter within the city. Again, you should check whether there are any buildings that officials plan to use as makeshift shelters in the event of an emergency. If you do not live all that close to a primary target but you still live in a major city, then you should consider a shelter or at least a room that you can use as a shelter. Many major cities consist of tall apartment blocks, which mean that you will not have a basement of your own to use as a shelter. In this case you should speak to the building manager for advice on which room should be designated as a shelter should the need arise.
If you do have your own home in the city rather than an apartment in a block then you may find that you will need to take shelter there for a while following a nuclear attack. You should never assume that you will be evacuated – the sheer number of people living and working in the city could mean that the streets become too jammed to effectively evacuate. And if you are going to be holed up in a shelter within your home for a while you will need to ensure that you have adequate stocks of basic survival products such as sealed water bottles, tinned food, first aid, medication and blankets for warmth.
If you are out and about in the city when a nuclear attack occurs, you should literally dive for cover and do not look up at the blast as this could blind you. Find a ditch; run to the nearest building – anywhere that you might be able to find shelter as low down as possible. If you are in a car, you should wind down the windows to avoid the possible injury from breaking glass and get down on to the floor of the vehicle, shielding your face and eyes at all times.
A complete deluxe personal terror protection kit designed for (small/medium) Don't Be Caught Unprepared
* (1) Gas Mask - Scott M95 military grade NBC mask (medium/large).
* (1) Filter Cartridge - for use with M95 mask.
* (1) Specialized Drinking Canteen - for use with M95 mask.
* (1) Protective Suit - nuclear, bilogical, and chemical protection (medium/large).
* (1) Pair of Silver Shield Gloves - 2.7 mil. thick; Norfoil® material resists permeation (medium/large).
* (1) Pair of Silver Boot Covers - 2.7 mil. thick; Norfoil® material resists permeation.
* (1) Bottle of Pottasium Iodate - blocks thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine; 200 tablets.
* (1) Duct Tape - 50 yard roll.
* (1) Plastic Sheeting - 4 mil. thick; 10' x 20'
* (1) Solar, Generator, Radio/Light - never needs batteries!
* (1) Packed in Black Roll Bag
(this posting is the responsibility of the poster)
Contact Information (Randomized and Anonymized): marcysmall@dfwind.com (Marcy Small)
Contact marcysmall@dfwind.com (Marcy Small) for more information. All emails will be forwarded to the poster's actual email address.

Terror kit personal terror protection-small/medium